2023 Enrolment Tours

We welcome you to book a special tour of GRG and experience the offerings and opportunities available in our Primary School (Years K to 6) and our Secondary School (Years 7 to 12). These specifically designed tours will give prospective families an insight into the nurturing academic programs on offer to our Primary students and the academic pathways available to our Secondary Students. Our staff will accommodate all your questions and concerns whilst proudly sharing the ‘GRG experience’. We look forward to meeting you!

Primary School Tours

Please book your tour via the following link:  https://www.trybooking.com/BYTQY

Secondary School Tours

Please book your tour via the following link:  https://www.trybooking.com/BYTQO

Enrolment Application

To enrol your child/ren at Georges River Grammar please download an application form here.

Please do not hesitate to contact our enrolment team on 9725 7566 or via email enrolments@grg.nsw.edu.au if you have further enquiries.