Open Day

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Our annual GRG Open Day will be held on Saturday 15 March 2025, from 9.00am to 1.00pm. Open Day is a wonderful way to experience the vibrant atmosphere that is unique to GRG. Come rain, hail or (hopefully) shine, we open our doors to showcase our K-12 educational and co-curricular pathways.


Georges River Grammar
53 Georges Crescent, Georges Hall NSW 2198

Take a Tour

Primary and Secondary school tours will run throughout the day, hosted by our very own students. Tours will include both the Primary and Secondary classrooms, as well as our Trades Skills Centre and Commercial Kitchen, with Hospitality students hosting cooking demonstrations throughout the day.

Program & Displays

We have an exciting program of events and displays scheduled, including:

• Dedicated times to “Meet the Principal”
• Performing Arts Performances & Showcases
• Live Science Shows
• Mathematics demonstrations and other subject-specific activities
• Displays for all aspects of GRG School Life, hosted by GRG Staff, including displays for our Co-Curricular, Gifted & Talented, Student Wellbeing and Learning Support Programs.
• A free BBQ & Cake Stall hosted by our P&F
• Free coffee or hot chocolates made especially by our ‘Student Baristas’
• General and enrolment enquiries answered by administration staff, including information about bus transportation
• Giveaways and prizes for all visitors
• On-Demand tours in both the Primary and Secondary School showcasing classroom displays
• Teaching Staff available to speak with visitors, answering the many questions you may have

Open Classrooms

Our classrooms will be open, giving you the opportunity to view our amazing facilities and liaise with our wonderful teaching staff.

Primary classes are open all day with displays of current learning activities, and we welcome the wider community to experience our unique offerings. This includes tutelage of Music, Art, and French for students as young as Kindergarten, as well as a particular emphasis on early literacy and numeracy, student support for those who need it and enrichment pathways for gifted and talented students. Primary Class Teachers are available in their rooms to explain the knowledge, skills and content of the year group they teach.

Secondary School Heads of Department will also showcase their faculties, via hands-on experience, including experiments in our Science labs. Attendees can also tour the School’s Commercial Kitchen to sample some culinary delights, visit our Trades Skills Centre, and see our technology laboratory, 3D printers, laser cutters, woodwork, and design areas. Our wide selection of subjects are on display with Secondary Teachers available to discuss their relevant curriculum.

Parents And Friends Association (‘P&F’)

The Parents and Friends Association (‘P&F’) will be offering delicious, sweet treats in the Primary Playground and a sizzling BBQ will be operating in the Secondary School. The P&F are here to welcome all our new community members and discuss how the P&F operates and contributes to the wonderful community at GRG.

Enrolment Enquiries

Please visit the enquiries and enrolment marquee on the day to meet our friendly administration staff who will answer any questions you may have in relation to enrolment for your child/ren.
Enrolment Information packs will be available to collect on the day.



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