Our Community

Throughout the community, GRG is perceived as a school of choice; one of the major reasons for this is that our community is at the heart of everything we do at GRG. We aim to foster a sense of belonging within every student, parent, and member of staff. GRG is a place where everybody is heard, and relationships are developed and built with mutual trust, respect and empathy.

The hallmarks that define the GRG community are:

  • supportive relationships between the School and its families, built on trust and goodwill
  • open, honest and transparent lines of communication between all stakeholders
  • an enduring commitment to serving others and those communities in need
  • a deep sense of community amongst students, staff and parents across the School, as well as extended family and the local community

GRG also has an active Parents and Friends’ Association (P&F) who is responsible for representing parents in a way that strengthens and contributes to the GRG community. They aim to build to build stronger relationships and community spirit between parents of current students and the School by promoting greater involvement with the School through volunteering opportunities at school events and encouraging participation in your child’s schooling journey.

The Parents and Friends Association act as a conduit for information, feedback, and a source of support, by meeting monthly during school terms. They host a welcome function for all Kindergarten and Year 7 students and parents to formally welcome them into our community, as well as a number of other events throughout the year.

The Parents and Friends Association encourages all parents to take an active role in the life of the School and their child’s schooling journey and welcome involvement of any kind. For further information, please contact us on pandf@grgs.nsw.edu.au.